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Layout doll bases by DHF
Lara Katts. 06-11-09
It's a new doll of the "Harry Potter" Lara Katts holding a wand. Her hair and shirt were done for a while, but I finished her pants and shoes today.
Base by Doll on the Hill Factory
Family. 06-10-09
I have finished a doll of my Mom, Aunt Tina, Grandma and Aunt Debi. It is based on a picture taken at my Dad's 50th birthday party in 2007.
Here is a link to the doll with the picture in the back ground: Click Here
Base by Doll on the Hill Factory
McDonald's Employee. 2-15-09
I just finished the third doll for the "nine lives of me" project, only six more to go! This one is "McDonald's Employee."
I hope you like it :)
Base by Doll on the Hill Factory
Wife. 07-02-08
I just finished another doll for the "nine lives of me" project, this one is "wife." It is of my husband and I on our wedding day.
I hope you like it :)
Base by Orathtys Realm
Two new dolls. 06-13-08
Here are two new dolls, the first one is called "Chocolate Milk Drinker" because I love chocolate milk so much :) The second one is called "Doller" it is one of the nine dolls I plan on making for a new layout to go alond with the name of my site "The nine lives of me." They will include (but may change):
Doller, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Sister, Drafter, Video Gamer, Cat Love, and Reader I hope to get these dolls made withing the next cople of months and put the new layout up then, wish me luck! Base by Shouri

Base by BunnyStick
Girls Night Out. 04-03-08
I have been wanting to do this kind of doll for awhile, just never had the right inspiration for it. I am very proud and happy about the way it turned out. It took about 15 hours over the course of about 4 or 5 days. I hope you love them just as much as I do :) Base by Doll on the Hill Factory
Lara Katts, despair. 02-15-08
I saw this base on pixellite's site and just knew that I had to doll with it! I love the ase, it's amazing. I like the way it turned out, even though it's not what I saw in my head, but that just couldn't seem to make it on to the doll. I hope you like her as much as I do!
Base by pixellite.
Wedding Dress 01-18-08
Here is a doll of me in my future wedding dress that I will be using on April 26th of this year. This is also how I hope my hair turns out.
I think I did a really good job and have to different ones to show more of the transparency of the vail. Enjoy!! Base by Doll on the Hill Factory

Judy Nails 01-09-08
Here is another character from Guitar Hero 3, Judy Nails. She is wearing her standard outfit (the one you start out with). I know she has another tattoo on her stomach of two butterflies, but I can't seem to make them look right.
I love the shoes :)
I also made a card-type one to go along with Casey Lynch's.
Fell free to tell me what you think of her.
Base by Doll on the Hill Factory, Guitar Hero III logo property of The Guitar Hero Company.
Casey Lynch 01-08-08
I have just dolled my favorite character form Guitar Hero 3. It's Casey Lynch wearing her "Mo' Leather" outfit in "Fiery!" Hope you like it :)
I'm not really happy with her shoes, which is why I made the second one.
Base by Doll on the Hill Factory, Guitar Hero III logo property of The Guitar Hero Company.